PTT Group Debenture Information

Name of Debenture Issue Date Maturity Date Tenor (year) Coupon
Rate (%)
Unsecured Debentures of PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED No. 1/2023 due B.E. 2568 (PTTC255A) 10 May 2023 10 May 2025 2 years

2.31% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED No. 2/2022 due B.E. 2572 (PTTC295A) 27 May 2022 27 May 2029 7 years

3.25% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED No. 1/2022 Tranche 1 due B.E. 2568 (PTTC254A) 08 Apr 2022 08 Apr 2025 3 years

1.79% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED No. 1/2022 Tranche 2 due B.E. 2570 (PTTC27OA) 08 Apr 2022 08 Oct 2027 5.5 years

2.45% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED No. 1/2022 Tranche 3 due B.E. 2577 (PTTC344A) 08 Apr 2022 08 Apr 2034 12 years

3.47% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED No. 1/2021 Tranche 3 due B.E. 2569 (PTTC268A) 06 Aug 2021 06 Aug 2026 5 years

1.31% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED No. 1/2021 Tranche 4 due B.E. 2571 (PTTC288A) 06 Aug 2021 06 Aug 2028 7 years

1.79% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED No. 1/2021 Tranche 5 due B.E. 2574 (PTTC318A) 06 Aug 2021 06 Aug 2031 10 years

2.37% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT Public Company Limited No. 2/2020 due B.E. 2570 (PTTC277A) 24 Jul 2020 24 Jul 2027 7 years

2.85% per annum

USD Bond at 3.70% due 2070** 16 Jul 2020 16 Jul 2070 50 years

4.2% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT Public Company Limited No. 1/2020 Tranche 2 due B.E. 2568 * (PTTC257A) 02 Jul 2020 02 Jul 2025 5 years

2.05% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT Public Company Limited No. 1/2020 Tranche 3 due B.E. 2573 * (PTTC307A) 02 Jul 2020 02 Jul 2030 10 years

2.84% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT Public Company Limited No. 1/2020 Tranche 4 due B.E. 2578 * (PTTC357A) 02 Jul 2020 02 Jul 2035 15 years

3.20% per annum

Unsecured Debentures of PTT Public Company Limited No. 1/2020 Tranche 5 due B.E. 2588 * (PTTC457A) 02 Jul 2020 02 Jul 2045 25 years

3.74% per annum

USD Bond at 5.875% due 2035** 24 Oct 2019 03 Aug 2035 23 years 9 months 9 days

6.375% per annum

USD Bond at 4.500% due 2042** 24 Oct 2019 25 Oct 2042 16 years 1 day

5% per annum

USD Bond at 4.500% due 2042 (PTTF42OA) 25 Oct 2012 25 Oct 2042 30 years

4.5% per annum

Unsecured Debentures with the Debentureholders’ Early Redemption Right of PTT Public Company Limited No.3/2010 Due 2110 * (PTTC10DA) 02 Dec 2010 02 Dec 2110 100 years

5.90% per annum (Put Option at 50th year and 75th year)

USD Bond at 5.875% due 2035 (PTTF358A) 03 Aug 2005 03 Aug 2035 30 years

5.875% per annum

Remark :
* The debenture was offered to Private Placement or Private Placement - Thai Institutional and High Networth Investors.
** The debenture, offered to foreign investors, was issued by PTT Treasury Center Company Limited (PTT TCC) and guaranteed by PTT

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